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Wednesday, July 20 2016

In last month’s newsletter I mentioned a last ditch effort by agriculture lobbyists to influence the U.S. Senate to pass a watered down law regarding GMO’s, and to render Vermont’s law for labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients obsolete.  This federal law, also known as the DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) was designed to keep consumers in the dark about what is in our food. 

Well, the Senate voted and the winner was Monsanto and big agriculture!  The Senate voted 63-30 to enact the DARK act.  Congratulations to the lobbyists of big agriculture, and to the senators who financially benefit from their contributions.  Condolences to the losers: the state of Vermont whose state law was superseded by this new federal law.  Condolences to the nine out of ten Americans who want what 64 other countries already have, which is to know what is in our food.  Most of all condolences to our children who will for the most part continually consume GMO foods without any idea of the resulting toxicity from the overuse of glyphosate (Roundup).  Oh wait, there was sort of a consolation victory. The Senators did require food companies to put on its packaging a QR code, an indication that it contains GMO ingredients.  However, you will have to use a smart phone, and be connected to Wi-Fi in the supermarket to find out for sure. 

Posted by: Dr. Paul Goldstein AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 21 2016

David and Golliath for 2016

Two years ago Vermont’s Governor signed a bill that said GMO foods should be labeled by July 1st 2016.  This act puts a huge obstacle in the way of large scale agricultural practices in the U.S.  The plan by Monsanto’s lobbyists and certain U.S. Senators is to enact a watered down Federal law that would trump any state GMO law. But with the clock ticking down to July 1st, so far it hasn’t gained enough support in the Senate.  If the U.S. Senate fails to act, then all food with GMO ingredients will have to be labeled in Vermont or taken off the shelves.

Glyphosate, GMO’s and Monsanto

Glyphosate is an herbicide, and the U.S used about 300 million pounds of it last year. It’s the main ingredient in a product called Roundup made by Monsanto.  Despite Monsanto’s and the EPA’s declarations of glyphosate’s safety, the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer, in March 2015 “determined that glyphosate is probably carcinogenic to humans”...

Posted by: Dr. Paul Goldstein AT 09:19 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, May 20 2016

The Evidence for Reducing Carbohydrates

Dr. Sue Shephard experienced regular and debilitating intestinal gas and because of that, her research led to her coining the term and development of the FODMAP diet in 1998.  FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.  These short chain carbohydrates are incompletely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and then become easily fermented by gut bacteria.  The resulting gas causes severe bloating and IBS symptoms.  FODMAP’s also increase fluid to the large intestine and can cause diarrhea. 

Others have had similar observations about carbohydrates.  Elaine Gottshall wrote a book called Breaking the Vicious Cycle even earlier in 1994, after her daughter who was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in the 1950’s was saved from the surgical removal of her large intestine.  By following the diet prescribed to her by Sidney Haas M.D., her daughter recovered and Elaine went on to attain degrees in biology, nutritional biochemistry, and cellular biology.  Her diet called The Specific Carbohydrate Diet, only allows monosaccharides.  Disaccharides and polysaccharides are not allowed

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Posted by: Dr. Paul Goldstein AT 08:53 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, April 20 2016

Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Fibromyalgia was a condition first noticed and described in the early 1900’s by Sir William Gowers.  Over the next seven decades more physicians were noticing similar findings and in 1987 a diagnostic code for Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) was instituted along with a consensus of diagnostic criteria to meet that diagnosis.  The consensus was that 11 out of an agreed upon 18 diagnostic points would be tender to less than approximately 2 lbs. of finger pressure.  These bilateral points were the inner knee, hips, gluteus muscles, trapezius muscles, lower cervical vertebra, lateral epicondyle, second rib anteriorly, occiput bone, and supraspinatus muscles. 


In 1992, The Copenhagen Declaration added that FMS was a painful, non-articular condition.  It is often associated with persistent fatigue, non-refreshing sleep and that women were 10-20 times more likely to suffer from it than men.  It was also associated with headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, cold sensitivity, patterns of numbness and tingling, exercise intolerance and complaints of weakness.  Depression and anxiety are also associated with the diagnosis.  Keep reading

Posted by: Dr. Paul Goldstein AT 08:08 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, March 20 2016

Water:  The Bad News

In recent weeks we have heard disturbing news about lead contaminated water in Flint Michigan.  The city changed its water source to the Flint River instead of Lake Huron and the Detroit River.  The water from the Flint River didn’t have corrosion control treatment on the aging lead pipes that delivered the water for use by its residents.  It’s estimated that 6,000-12,000 children were exposed to high levels of lead.  Because the Flint River was so high in bacteria, higher levels of chlorine were used in treating the water resulting in higher than normal carcinogenic byproducts such as trihalomethanes. The health risks from this exposure is vast and there will be scores of lawsuits that will follow.  The chain of command that played a part in this tragedy seems to go as high as the governor of Michigan and possibly into the EPA. 

In the book Lead Wars, the authors Moskowitz and Rosner give a detailed history of the lead problem in the U.S.  For example, between 1900-1950 all paint was 50% lead carbonate.  A child ingesting a chip consisting of a gram or two could be enough to cause convulsions.   ( keep reading)

Posted by: Dr. Paul Goldstein AT 08:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 20 2016

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

HRV is emerging as an important way of measuring our overall level of health, our ability to handle exercise and stress, and more. 

HRV is not heart rate.  Heart rate is how many beats our hearts beat in a given period of time.  If your heart rate is 60 beats per minute, it is assumed that our heart beats one time each second for 60 seconds.  Not necessarily.  Your heart may beat 1.2 seconds one beat and .8 seconds the second beat and 1.25 seconds and then again at .9 seconds.  This inconsistency is heart rate variability and the importance of measuring it came out of Russia in the mid 1970’s. 

The research and what it shows                                                               keep reading

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Sunday, January 31 2016
Tricking the Immune system

Tricking the Immune system

In March of 2015, 60 minutes aired a segment about ongoing medical research at Duke University treating brain cancer with an injection of polio vaccine.  The virus had been weakened to avoid causing a complication to the patient and the therapy is having remarkable success.  Once injected into the cancer cells it activates an immune response within the body that kills the virus along with the cancer cells.  This 21st century therapy has already saved lives that would not have survived if those patients had followed conventional treatments for their brain cancer.  If you would like to read the transcript click here: 

What is old is new again

I was thoroughly impressed with the story and the way the researchers tricked the patient’s immune system into attacking the brain cancer.  I thought “now here’s a shining example of 21st century medicine”.  That feeling was tarnished when I recently found out that CBS failed to mention that this therapy has been used before.      keep reading

Posted by: Dr Goldstein AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, December 23 2015
The Fire Cider Remedy

Fire Cider

Fire Cider has a long history as a traditional folk remedy cure for digestive complaints, circulatory problems, and as a preventative for winter time colds and flu's.  It isn't too late to make this home remedy to use for yourself and or your loved ones this winter. Of course you can also buy it at a local health food store.  The ingredients vary for the making of fire cider, but here is what I included in my first homemade batch and why.   The Ingredients...   (keep reading)

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Sunday, November 15 2015

Perimenopause and Andropause

Both men and women undergo changes somewhere in the 4th and 5th decade of life when the major sex hormones diminish for each.  In women it is estrogen and in men it is testosterone.  In a previous newsletter I talked about the role that the dominant form of estrogen, (estradiol) played in maintaining bone health.  It turns out that estradiol serves to protect more than just bones in women, and testosterone does more than just maintain physical strength for men. 

Here are some of the conditions that increase when there are lower levels of estradiol and testosterone.

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Saturday, October 31 2015

The Light of Day

On November 1st we change the clocks back to Daylight Standard Time.  It is an annual reminder of the natural process that results in less daylight in the coming few months.  We sometimes forget how much sunlight plays a part in our overall health.  Aside from the manufacturing of vitamin D, there are other aspects to the light spectrum that researchers are just beginning to understand and this mainly centers on melatonin production. 

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland which is located at the base of the brain.  It is secreted during the night time hours and has a great impact on our ability to sleep.  Diminishing light that falls onto the eye’s retina then stimulates the pituitary to message the pineal to produce melatonin.  It also acts as an antioxidant and research is now showing that it may be instrumental in helping depression, and also reducing tumors.   keep reading

Posted by: Dr. Paul Goldstein AT 12:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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