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Tuesday, March 22 2022

The Importance of Mitochondrial Health

Mitochondria are organelles that apart from red blood cells, exist in mind boggling numbers throughout our bodies.  Mitochondria, which are responsible for providing energy for the body, vary in number according to the different types of cells in the body. The largest concentration of mitochondria is in our brain, neurons, and heart where there could be thousands of mitochondria in each cell providing energy needed for cognition and movement. It is estimated that we have 250 quadrillion mitochondria in us and that mitochondria make up about 20% of our body weight.  Additionally, our immune system depends on mitochondrial health to have the energy to defeat infections that arise from time to time. Persistent infections are a likely sign that the immune system lacks the energy to recover even when healing procedures are administered. There is abundant evidence that damaged or diminished mitochondrial functionality is a key reason for the onset of almost every degenerative disease we commonly hear about along with an accelerated or normal decline in aging.

Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 12:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, February 22 2022

The Uric Acid Marker

Dr. Richard Johnson has spent the past twenty years researching why we get fat so easily, and how fructose and uric acid play an important role in contributing to most of the major health problems we see today including heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.  In his third book titled Why Nature Wants Us to Be Fat, Johnson uses his unique background in Anthropology, as a kidney specialist, and research background to detail how human physiology and diet have influenced the epidemic of the most common health problems seen today.


If you were to play a word association game with any physician and said uric acid the response would probably be Gout in nearly 100% of the cases. Uric acid is a waste product from the breakdown of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA of the purines that are elevated in red meat, sardines, shrimp, and brewer’s yeast.  If those purines crystalize in a joint such as the big toe, this is Gout, and it can be very painful.


What Dr. Johnson has discovered is that uric acid is also a downstream byproduct of the metabolism of fructose, and this is the key to what Dr. Johnson talked about in his second book called The Fat Switch...

Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 08:03 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, December 17 2021

This may be the single most important article I have released to date. When the Biden vaccine mandate was announced and the Covid vaccine was approved for the 5-11 age group I felt the need to speak up. The goal is to create a conversation, create clarity in answering some of the questions about Covid I am asked every day but do not always have the time or resources to answer properly. These are confusing times to say the least. This is a long one, so find a quiet space, I hope you find it informative, and PLEASE respond with a comment or a question if you feel the need. As you will see, I am using this to share well respected and alternative sources to the mainstream media and governments narrative, so you can draw your own conclusions. We do not always need to agree, but we do need to have a place to speak and be heard.


Questioning Actual Science

With the pandemic showing no signs of abating as it approaches two years, the man driving the government’s response, Dr. Anthony Fauci head of NIAID (national institute of allergies and infectious disease) for the past four decades, has on more than one occasion stated when questioned on his approach, “that an attack on me is an attack on science.”


“The truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged.”


I do not know who to attribute this quote to, but it resonates with me given our current state of a pandemic. Hearing Dr. Fauci arrogantly equate himself with science is troubling considering his position and responsibility to the public. Science was built upon skepticism and debate. We need to be questioning every facet of the pandemic response. Our personal health, and our family’s health demands this scrutiny. With the demand for mandated Covid vaccination and armed with a one-year perspective to view the result of the vaccines, this is especially important.

(click the title to see the entire article)


Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 09:49 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, November 23 2021
Melatonin: Beyond Sleep
We think of melatonin primarily for its association with sleep. There is a good reason for this. We know that the Pineal gland located in our brain is responsible for secreting melatonin and that this secretion is dependent on the circadian rhythm of the light-dark cycle that should occur in our daily life. Artificial light and electronic devices emitting “blue light” has a stimulatory effect on our nervous system that interferes with melatonin production resulting in less than adequate sleep cycles. This results in poor concentration during the day and the need for catching up on sleep at other times. More importantly is that during a restful night’s sleep the body removes waste from the brain.


The glymphatics are the lymphatics of the brain and with a restful night’s sleep we remove potentially neurotoxic products like beta-amyloid, tau proteins, alpha-synuclein and neurofibrillary tangles which are responsible for neurological diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and M.S. respectively. In a study “Protection of Metal Toxicity by Melatonin – Recent Advances” published... 

Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 11:03 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, October 23 2021

When is a joint pain not a joint pain?

It is often the case that a pain in a joint does not always emanate from a joint. Instead, it is an inflammatory cascade that originates from somewhere else and spreads to either the spine or an extremity. After listening to a 2-hour lecture called A 21st century approach to Musculoskeletal problems by Dr. Robert Silverman he confirmed the more innovative ideas about gut health and its relationship to pain often discussed in Chiropractic today. Dr. Silverman author of a book called Inside Out Health, describes by focusing only on the point of pain we may be chasing a red herring in our current approach to pain. A term called leaky gut syndrome that has multifactorial causes is often the root cause of pain. Below is a synopsis of the causes of why leaky gut is so prevalent today, how to diagnose it, and what to do about it.


Leaky Gut Syndrome

This diagram shows how food sensitivities and pathogens, and toxins disrupt the protective barrier in our gut. Leakage between the epithelial lining can allow the escape of these pathogens/toxins or the inflammatory chemicals that they induce, and it can then migrate elsewhere in the body. That could result in a painful joint or more seriously an autoimmune inflammatory pain.                Click the title to get the entire article

Posted by: AT 11:05 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, September 24 2021

There seems to be a little bit of a buzz in the natural health world the past few years about the use of collagen as an anti-aging compound both as a way of keeping our skin healthier by reducing wrinkles, and its use being linked to healthier joints, bones, hair, blood vessels, immune system, and organs.


Collagen, comes from the Greek word kola, meaning glue, and gen, meaning producing.  Derived from the processing of animals, collagen contains all 20 essential amino acids with noticeably high amounts of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. It is the most abundant protein in the body making up 70% of our skin, and 90% of our connective tissue and bones. Collagen acts like a type of scaffolding which nutrients attach to.  In the skin it would allow antioxidants such as vitamins A and C to bind to it so that it gives protection to potentially harmful UV-rays.  Its function is important in a vast array of circumstances including joint lubrication and regeneration of the lining of our intestinal tract. 


Types of Collagens:

Type 1: Is the most prevalent and is found in the skin, tendons, vascular system, organs, cornea, and bone. 

Type 2: Is in cartilage,

Type 3: Is in the reticular fibers in the spinal cord and most of the areas of type 1 and is helpful for muscle recovery.

*Type 4: Is in the basal lamina and basement membrane of the skin, bone matrix, and cornea. *Most sources don’t count this type.  Most collage products list the other five.

Type 5: Is in cell surfaces, hair, and placenta.  It is found to support type 2 collagen.

Type 10: A newer addition, found in eggshell membrane is involved in the process of endochondral ossification or “network-forming collagen”. 


Our bodies produce collagen naturally.... (keep reading)

Posted by: AT 12:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, August 19 2021


Final Thoughts on Censorship and Ivermectin

Presently, FLCCC has a Facebook page, but they already have had three offenses and one more and they will be de-platformed.  They have been locked out of Twitter for one week, and YouTube has removed 11 of their videos.  Even a video by Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of ivermectin Satoshi Omura was removed from YouTube. 


Matt Taibbi an award-winning journalist formerly with Rolling Stone magazine, wrote this article that is worth reading about the censorship issue mainly revolving around Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Haying. They both have PhD’s in biology and interview guests on their podcast Darkhorse which has been out front talking about the obvious benefits of the FLCCC protocols and ivermectin.


For the latest information on FLCCC and their progress in studies, and ivermectin, please visit  If you get sick and think you would want to try ivermectin and your regular doctor is hesitant in prescribing it to you, you can do a teleconference call with a Frontline Dr. here:  They may even prescribe it prophylactically. 

For the latest information on FLCCC and their progress in studies, and ivermectin, please visit  If you get sick and think you would want to try ivermectin and your regular doctor is hesitant in prescribing it to you, you can do a teleconference call with a Frontline Dr. here:  They may even prescribe it prophylactically. 


Lastly, keep in mind that the entire E.U.A. (emergency use authorization) allowing the use of fast-tracked vaccines is dependent on there being no viable treatment for Covid-19.  To do a large enough study on ivermectin that might get the attention of those who head the federal agencies might cost 20 million dollars.  However, since ivermectin is off patent and costs between 1.00 and 2.50 a pill, there isn't enough profit in an off-label drug to mobilize that large a study.

For the latest information on FLCCC and their progress in studies, and ivermectin, please visit  If you get sick and think you would want to try ivermectin and your regular doctor is hesitant in prescribing it to you, you can do a teleconference call with a Frontline Dr. here:  They may even prescribe it prophylactically. 

Lastly, keep in mind that the entire E.U.A. (emergency use authorization) allowing the use of fast-tracked vaccines is dependent on there being no viable treatment for Covid-19.  To do a large enough study on ivermectin that might get the attention of those who head the federal agencies might cost 20 million dollars.  However, since ivermectin is off patent and costs between 1.00 and 2.50 a pill, there isn't enough profit in an off-label drug to mobilize that large a study.

Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 09:57 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, July 24 2021

Fluoride on Trial

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), a group of non-profits and individuals petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2016 to end the addition of fluoridation chemicals into drinking water due to fluoride’s neurotoxicity. The EPA rejected the petition. In response, the groups sued the EPA in Federal Court.  For the first time since TSCA was enacted in 1976, plaintiffs were able to have a trial in Federal Court to try and stop the official policy of the U.S. government from the continued recommendation for the use of a toxic substance (fluoride) in the U.S. water supply. The trial was held in June 2020 and the judge has yet to make his decision. The next status hearing will be on August 26, 2021. 


Fluoride is a neurotoxin?  Don’t we need it to reduce tooth decay?  Isn’t that why it was added to the water supply in the 1950’s and why it is in toothpaste?  It turns out that recent analysis of data between 1970-2010 by the W.H.O., showed that countries that did not fluoridate their water had the same drop in dental caries on children as the countries that did fluoridate their water. 

Posted by: Dr.Goldstein AT 01:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, June 23 2021

Underestimated: An Autism Miracle

The statistics vary slightly depending on the study but about one in fifty births in the U.S. today will have an autistic diagnosis by the time the child is 8 years old.  That adds up to about seven million people with autism in this country.  Up to 40 percent of the children with autism spectrum disorders remain minimally speaking even after years of interventions.  That is nearly three million people! 


For parents of autistic children along with their caregivers it is a daily struggle to communicate with these kids and adults.  Because of this, parents are at a loss in their ability to ascertain the needs of their children, and parents, teachers, and caregivers are almost universally unaware of the cognitive ability of the child.  For most families with children categorized as severely autistic or profoundly autistic the fear of their child needing lifetime assistance is heartbreaking, exhausting and requires financial planning that hangs over them as they themselves get older. 


Most non-speaking autistic kids receive care from specialists in speech and behavior therapy and most improve to some degree.  However, their methods are weighted in the belief that there is a cognitive deficit in the brains of autistics with the emphasis of treatment to fix the speech patterns.  Elizabeth Vosseller SLP (speech language pathologist) broke with the accepted protocols and assumed that most autistic people were cognitively normal but were simply experiencing an inability to verbalize their thoughts because ...      more >

Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 10:52 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, May 24 2021
The Healing Power of Castor Oil
Castor bean oil from the castor bean has a long history of use for a variety of ailments.  Castor bean seeds were found in Egyptian tombs, and the use of the oil has been recorded not only in Egypt, but also China, Africa, Persia, Greece, Rome, Southern Europe, and the Americas.  The oil being applied to the skin with a flannel cloth and heat was re-popularized most recently by Edgar Cayce a 20th century Sunday School teacher who was also known as “the sleeping prophet”.  From the time he was a young boy, Cayce would have clairvoyant experiences.  Later in life he would enter a trance – comparable to sleeping but still able to answer questions, where he would give health readings for people desperate for help.  Cayce would not remember his recommendations when he came out of his trance, but they often included the use of castor oil packs to the body.  Cayce who died in 1945, lived long enough to have some of his readings recorded by film and over 14,000 of his readings are preserved by the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) headquarters in Virginia Beach. 


Ironically, a plant that seems to have so much healing potential contains one of the deadliest poisons known, a protein called ricin.  Consuming just one or two beans could kill you. However, ricin is not in the oil!  The healing part is the fat called Ricinoleic acid

Posted by: Dr. Goldstein AT 11:17 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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